LocoRoco 2 [PSP]



Everybody's favorite blobs of fun return with this sequel to the PSP favorite.
One of the ways Sony Japan will be adding to the game's depth is by giving you the ability to pick up new moves and platforming techniques as the game progresses. One of the examples displayed was a new swinging ability. You can bite onto a piece of grass or a vine using your LocoRoco's mouth, then swing from one platform to another when the regular old jumping command just won't cut it. Another example is swimming through underwater stages; your chubby little LocoRoco will eventually sink to the bottom if left alone, so you need to hit the jump button to help him buoy himself along through the water.

In addition to new ways of interacting with the world around you, each level will be populated with new forms of life. Kouno showed off one of the new LocoRoco you can control, an agile and spunky female that, according to him, really likes rock music. He also showed one of the new bosses, a giant purple mess of hair and makeup that looks like a cross between Grimace and Mrs. Doubtfire.

LocoRoco 2 will feature 25 levels in all, which may sound a bit odd considering the first game had substantially more than that. However, now each level will offer a variety of new goals and objectives you can unlock after you beat each one for the first time. These are referred to as quests and change the way you play the game in a few ways. Some of the different quests shown were a race to the finish against a Moja, a scavenger hunt where you need to collect specific items within the level's boundaries, and a mode where you need to find a character who's gone wandering off somewhere in the level.




Publisher: SCEE
Region: EUR
Language: eng,fra,ita,ger,spa,dan,fin,nor,ned,por,swe
Type: .ISO
Size: 1680 MB

http://www.filesonic.com/file/537720501/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part1.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/537715841/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part2.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/537711531/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part3.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/537720891/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part4.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/537720711/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part5.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/537720571/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part6.rar
http://www.filesonic.com/file/537713681/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part7.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/xjgVfwn/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part1.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/wpUNDym/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part2.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/ZBmbGNp/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part3.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/qbw73kK/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part4.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/Pk2zsTz/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part5.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/yKftERV/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part6.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/rX2Fp86/LocoRoco 2 _PSP.part7.rar
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